Tuesday, February 25, 2014

EPMA Soiree! Good times with the Emerging Professionals

By Adam Kreitman, EPMA
The 2014 EPMA Soiree (held at the Baseball Tavern on 12/20/14) was a great success, thanks in part to our incredible attendees and Lee Kennedy Co., Inc. for sponsoring! 
The night was full of networking, trivia and our first ever "EPMA Baggo Madness Tourney." Even though the event was rescheduled, due to the never ending weather curve balls, we were able to meet many new faces and draw in several new members!

The night concluded with a giveaway of multiple raffle prizes such as gift cards to Starbucks, Evoo, Henrietta's Table and the Fireplace. Our winners of the "Baggo" Tournament were Scott Balboni (Chapman Construction) and Tyler Murphy (Suffolk Construction). We saw a lot of good moves on the floor during Baggo.

As is usual at our EPMA networking events, we had free appetizers (from the Tavern) and drinks were underwritten by Lee Kennedy. Though there were a lot of "regulars," about half the crew were fresh faces and we made a lot of new contacts. In fact, LinkedIn reported a significant jump in connections the next day due, in part, to our event. 

But seriously, one of the reasons these EPMA events are so cool is that people are coming from a lot of different companies - we have construction, architecture, engineering, retrofits, schools, and many more backgrounds. If you go to your standard industry thing, you are just surrounded by your (friendly) competitors. At the USGBC and EPMA events, you connect across the industry.
Thank you all who made this night so enjoyable! 
[Editor's Note: special thanks to the EPMA leadership team - Stephanie MacNeil (HMFH), Javier Burgos (Navigant), Kristin Malyak (Gensler), Jenna Dancewicz (Suffolk Construction) and especially to Adam Kreitman for organizing this event and securing the sponsorship from...Lee Kennedy.]

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